Guest Post from Quora
Steve Grocott, Political insider /investor / businessman
I am a American who largely lives outside of the US, I split my time between New Zealand, Australia and the US. I buy travellers health insurance when going home for a few months each year. I have used the universal healthcare in about 5 countries over the years. Even as a tourist it is usually free or heavily subsidised and of good quality. I have come to think the concept of a user pays healthcare system is about as useful as a user pays police system. The benefits to the economy, society and community of free healthcare far outweighs the profit system used in America.
I can’t imagine any country that looks at the American healthcare system, and thinks “we should only offer drugs and surgery to those than can afford it, we should send debt collectors after victims of accidents we have treated while they are still recovering “ it boils down to what kind of society you wish to live in. Millions of tourists each year are put off by the requirement to purchase additional Healthcare on top of flights and accommodation when visiting America. The only reason to keep the system is the huge profits made by drug companies, hospitals and insurance companies.