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Showing posts with label ali binazir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ali binazir. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2013

To Be or Not to Be (Or What is This Post About?) hint: Medical School

The title of this post is not going to sit well with search engines....Shakespeare will probably appear often. In fact I did a quick search of the  "quote", and the listing began with, Wikipedia's listing on Shakespeare, The Complete Works of Shakespeare,Shakespeare Online, a listing of all Shakespeare productions in process, and not last nor least, "How Shakespeare would end "Breaking Bad"

I admit I have plagiarized much of this writing from Ali Binazir, who I assume is an MD.  Kudos to him for not punctuating his name with M.D. As  Yankel in      states, "A blessing on your house"...Mazel tov, mazel tov !  (or perhaps he did not graduate)  However, no aspersions are cast upon this author.  He articulates the 10 reasons why you should not become a doctor, and points out the one reason you should become a doctor.

Ali Binzar is an M.D. he graduated from Harvard (B.A.) and then the University of California San Diego.

My google search failed to show him listed on (a real accomplishment, one which most of my readers would like to know how he did that). Most of the searches yielded writing, books, mostly centering around love, and dating. He is on the UCSD faculty of Medicine.  This I found on Doximity a peer social media platform for physicians.

Why You Should Not Go To Medical School     

1) You will lose all the friends you had before medicine.
2) You will have difficulty sustaining a relationship and will probably break up with or divorce your current significant other during training.
3) You will spend the best years of your life as a sleep-deprived, underpaid slave.
4) You will get yourself a job of dubious remuneration.
5) You will have a job of exceptionally high liability exposure.
6) You will endanger your health and long-term well-being.
7) You will not have time to care for patients as well as you want to.
8) You will start to dislike patients — and by extension, people in general.
9) People who do not even know you will start to dislike you.
10) You’re not helping people nearly as much as you think.

You have only ever envisioned yourself as a doctor and can only derive professional fulfillment in life by taking care of sick people.*

Following the article there are many comments from wannabee doctors, and young medical students, with a fresh view on this subject