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Showing posts with label health 2.0 india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health 2.0 india. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Health 2.0 India

The term Health 2.0 is an outgrowth of Web 2.0 as second generation internet technology and web sites developed in the last decaded of the 21st Century. It now is synonymou with the annual gathering of HIT professionals, including EMR,  HIE,  Mobile apps, Web Portals, and WiFi enabled embedded sensors

Health 2.0 has developed a global presence, beginning in the United States and expanding first to Europe, and Asia. Begiinning as a relatively small meeting it has grown exponentially.  The geographic diversity allows 'techies' in a wide variety of locations and cultures to meet and translate ideas as well as market to potential users. It serves well as a '"thought tank" for mobile health, consumer directed Many software development occurs at these meetings.

Health 2.0 India is the most recent iteration of the exposition.  It begins on February 7, 2014 in Bangalore, India.

2014 Topics will include :
  • Designing an improved patient experience for a Billion people
  • Trending – Startups, Funding and Accelerating Health 2.0
  • Health 2.0 in the village
  • Quantified self, wearable sensors and trackers
  • Mobile health in real life
  • Rise of big data and better decisions
  • Pharma and better outcomes
  • C-Level executives unplugged
  • Unmentionables amplified – Sex, Sport & Rock n’ Roll

India has unique demographics and geographic criteria. It is heavily rural, with scattered villages, weak infrastructure and other limitations for networks. Rural communities often have no electricity. Telemedicine and televideo is highly desireable to spread the healthcare workforce.

One advantage is as infrastructure is built, cell phone, cable internet will be built with modern technology including fiberoptic backbone.