Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Health Train Express on the Bullet Train for Health Reform and HIT News

Some of you may have already noticed the evolution and change on the Health Train Express Blog. The publication is changing to a new format, with less opinion, and hopefully more fact.

A daily digest of trends and important breaking news in Health Reform and Health IT will be published.  Our goal is to provide a wide range of subjects with appropriate links to our sources.  This will allow us to continue to be a source for ever increasing news and advances, and controversy surrounding the rapid evolution of our health system.

I hope you  will find the new format an efficient way of reviewing the daily activity.  From time to time I will inject my own op-eds, clearly identified.

All digest sources will be clearly identified with the appropriate attribution.   One person cannot do it all.

The new format and goal is to provide a high density quick review of events and trends in HIT and Health Reform

I hope our growing readership will continue to follow us by RSS feed, subscription and our networked feeds from Twitter, Facebook and Google + .

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