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Friday, March 14, 2014

Health IT internships ONC HIMSS & ACO

“Health IT internships may be another means of meeting demands for HIT personnel in the health workforce”, according to Healthcare IT NewsDay.

HIMSS 2014

Although the REC programs have trained students in basic heallth information technology, hospitals and others report they have little practical experience, and are seeing an influx of students entering these programs who do not have clinical or information technology backgrounds.

Meaningful Use, Stage III and ICD 10 conversion are two two features scheduled for implementation later this year. Providers have indicated the challenge of performing this change simultaneously before the deadline.  HHS has indicated it will delay the ICD 10 conversion, and still insists on Meaningful Use.

“The Unvarnished Truth” is what CEO Mark T. Bertolini believes is what people want to hear during tough times.  Much of the controversy and tension between providers and government relates more to the timing of transformation rather than it’s content or goals.
There is very little meaningul communication or response to provider comments unless the conversation becomes very loud.

ONC (The Office of the National Coordinator), Four national coordinators discussed their years driving the health care information adoption over the past ten years.

Startups have created competition for funding and much interest by venture capitalists in health related strategies for improving healthcare with technology.

2014 promises to be a transformative year for HIT was a discussion at a CMS Townhall meeting.

Despite the challenges the United States is Set to Be the World’s Largest EMR Marketplace. Meaningful use did one thing right, filling hospitals and doctor’s offices with EMRs, despite controversy.

EMR is over ten years old and is no longer in it’s infancy, and is now an adolescent. Significant growth and early maturation now have positioned the EHR to become transformed just as adolescence transforms pubsence into adulhood.

Accountable Care is driving disparate hospitals to merge, be bought or buy neighboring systems. Individual organizations may very well use different EMRs.  Health information exchanges, either intra or extra hospital become a vital business and clinical information structure.

During and after the Affordable Care Act the HIT system must be flexible, and designed to be totally interoperable to serve health providers.

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