Sunday, September 8, 2013

Health Train De-railed

We have been experiencing technical difficulties with publishing  Health Train and Digital Health Space. Due to the intransigence of Microsoft they without warning discontinued Windows Live programs. No advance notice was given, nor any chance to download our content from almost ten years of publishing.

Their reason was  a 'security issue'. Apparently a  vulnerability in the program. I am puzzled since they often publish updates weekly to close vulnerabilities.  Apparently rather than continue their support for blogger blogs, they have downgraded support for previous versions of Live Writer....along with all of their 'Live' functions.  They no longer provide any Windows Live categories.

Windows Live is a Microsoft program which supports Google's Blogger....My take is that Microsoft is not going to encourage anyone using MSFT software to support a Google product, Blogger or otherwise.

For the next month we will do our best to blog using Blogger's direct platform, which is not very smooth.

Our plan will be to find an alternative 'writer' program  and/or switch our platform to Wordpress

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