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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Calls for Market Removal of COVID-19 Vaccines

 Recent Study Questions Safety of COVID mRNA Vaccines

A summary of research entitled “Review: Calls for Market Removal of COVID-19 Vaccines Intensify as Risks Far Outweigh Theoretical Benefits” published on January 25, 2025, in the journal Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law evaluates data from the VEARS reporting system, scientific studies, as well as an array of calls for market removal from multiple sources.

Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher, MPH says that while their review has gotten “millions of views” via social media, it has been shunned by conventional news outlets. ”The mainstream media has completely ignored [the review] - that’s expected. They have ignored all of our past 15 studies. [Our work] does not reach CNN or FOX News.”

The message from some scientist clinicians is still being ignored by the FDA.  The FDA once it makes a decision does not allow freedom of disparate views. The FDA during its approval process is run by committees.  It is designed to filter harmful drug products from the market.

Vaccines however are not considered drugs, and Pharma has been immunized against liability. The reasons for this are due to unforeseen side effects of vaccines.  Pharma would not agree to produce vaccines because there is a huge risk of side effects.  If 5 million people out of 100 million people have a serious reaction, the total liability could bankrupt a company.

The Journal of Science, Public Health Policy and the Law states, that COVID-19 vaccination campaigns around the globe have failed to meet fundamental standards of safety and efficacy, leading to mounting evidence of significant harm. More than 81,000 physicians, scientists, researchers, and concerned citizens, 240 elected government officials, 17 professional public health and physician organizations, 2 State Republican Parties, 17 Republican Party County Committees, and 6 scientific studies from across the world have called for the market withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines. As of September 6, 2024, the CDC has documented 19,028 deaths in the United States reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by healthcare professionals or pharmaceutical companies who believe the product is related to the death. The total number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS (37,544 among all participating countries) have far exceeded the recall limits of past vaccine withdrawals by up to 375,340%. The criteria for an FDA Class I recall, which applies to products with a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death, have been far exceeded. Excess mortality, negative efficacy, widespread DNA contamination, and a lack of demonstrated reduction in transmission, hospitalization, or mortality have undermined the rationale for continued administration. These unified requests for regulatory action underscore substantial shortcomings in data safety monitoring and risk mitigation. Immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market is essential to prevent further loss of life and ensure next steps are taken for accountability of the harm incurred.


VAERS is an acronym for “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” and is a tool for healthcare professionals and others to report side effects of vaccines. The reporting system is co-managed by the CDC and FDA.

Hulscher noted that the VAERS reporting system is not one that is easily abused, because “you cannot lie to the VAERS system, it is criminal to lie on VAERS. These reports are usually from physicians or companies who think that the vaccine caused the death.” As the reporting guidelines warn, “knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.”

Excessive Death Rate

The review compares the numbers of reported deaths of 10 recalled vaccines to the COVID-19 vaccines (see Figure 1). For example, the Cutter Polio vaccine was associated with 10 deaths in 1955, a swine flu vaccine was linked to 53 deaths in 1976, and the vaccine Rezulin was connected to 659 deaths before it was recalled in the year 2000. 

According to VAERS data through April 2024, the number of deaths associated with COVID-19 vaccines in all countries reporting was 37,544, a number that has “greatly surpassed” the FDA’s threshold for a Class I recall.

In the U.S., reported deaths amounted to 19,028 as of September 2024. The reports indicate that of those, 1,175 deaths occurred on the same day of vaccination, and 1,250 deaths the day after.

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