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Monday, August 5, 2024

The Early Preveniton of Alzheimer's Diseae

As the population ages and physical health allows activities later in life, it becomes more important to recognize the early onset of dementia and/or Alzheimer's Disease

The future below outlines some early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease.

1. New research suggests that Alzheimer's disease may be reversible through lifestyle changes, including:

   - Adopting a plant-based diet

   - Engaging in regular exercise, including strength training

   - Practicing meditation or yoga

   - Increasing social engagement

2. The research study followed 51 adults in their 70s with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer's. The group that made the lifestyle changes showed significant improvements, with 70% either stabilizing or markedly improving their cognitive function.

3. Examples of improvements seen in the study participants include:

   - Resumed ability to read, play music, manage affairs, and follow complex movie plots

   - Reversal of symptoms in a participant named Cici Zerbe, who made lifestyle changes after the study ended

4. Experts like Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Richard Isaacson recommend the following for brain health and Alzheimer's prevention:

   - Eating a mostly plant-based diet

   - Exercising regularly, including brisk walking with a weighted belt

   - Managing blood sugar levels

   - Maintaining mental stimulation and social engagement

5. The article highlights the personal experiences of Dr. Ornish and Dr. Gupta, who have had family members affected by Alzheimer's, and their motivation to explore lifestyle-based approaches to prevention and treatment.

In summary, the research suggests that Alzheimer's disease may be reversible through a combination of dietary, exercise, and lifestyle changes, providing hope for those affected by the disease.

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