Monday, June 12, 2023

Medical Freedom Panel 2023 - Senator Mastriano- State of Pennsylvania

The. legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania wants to pass a "Medical Freedom Act". Currently, eleven states have passed “safe harbor” practitioner exemption laws in some form, including Minnesota, Rhode Island, California, Louisiana, Idaho, Oklahoma, Arizona (for homeopaths), New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and, most recently, Maine.

The committee had a hearing which included several patients and medical experts to testify about Covid19 and the Federal and employer mandates regarding COVID vaccination in regard to work, airline travel, and in public spaces.

The testimony is documented in the video HERE.

On June 9, 2023,  Senator Mastriano of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives sponsored a hearing in which Peter McCullough, MD MPH testified with compelling information before the committee.  At the outset (2021) of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough was widely criticized as a right-wing anti-vaxxer. Despite his legitimate medical and academic career, he was lumped in with all other COVID non-experts.

Time has shown critics were wrong.

The topic of the hearing was the illegal mandate for vaccinations using an unproven and non-approved vaccine. Testimony from several patients who were victims of the adverse events from mRNA vaccines.  Citizens were denied employment, refused entry into public spaces, and forced to wear masks (which has been shown not to decrease the spread of viral particles.

Dr. McCullough’s testimony is clear and concise and deconstructs the enormous amounts of unproven data regarding COVID.

There is a clear paper trail for support by the NIH in a gain of function research for SARS-COVID dating back to the 1970s.  The virus was studied at the Wuhan Viral Laboratory in a level 4 biohazard facility. Their study was clearly funded by the NIH, Francis Collins, and Anthony Fauci.  In essence, COVID-19 was produced by the United States and you, the taxpayer.  IT WAS NOT A CHINESE VIRUS.  The Federal government knew that developing biomedical weapons was outlawed by international law and sought to disguise it by offshoring the project yet underwriting its activities.

During a state of crisis, largely induced by media coverage and support by the CDC, vaccines were rushed into production using a technique named mRNA to produce a ‘spike protein’.  mRNA protein production was developed over a decade ago. However, it had never undergone controlled clinical trials (RCT). The metabolic pathway was poorly understood, nor was the biochemistry of its byproducts or detoxification path in humans. Protein spikes remain in the bloodstream for an unknown period. 

In addition to the immunogenic effect allowing viral particles entry into cells, the spike protein has intracellular effects and also persists for a lengthy period in circulation.  This effect is now demonstrated by the syndrome colloquially known as ‘Long Haul Covid’.

The United States has the highest death rate despite being a wealthy nation. Developing nations where vaccination rates were low or non-existent had low death rates from vaccination.  (This may be a statistical anomaly due to poor or nonexistent reporting.). 

Numerous experts have reported these outcomes but were suppressed until recently. Unfortunately, this has not been reported by major media sources that ignore new information.  My readers can find these sources through any internet search for “VAERS” The raw data about COVID vaccination  adverse reactions can be accessed HERE

Medical Freedom Panel 2023 - Senator Mastriano

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