Monday, December 12, 2022

Artificial intelligence and metaverse: future implications for clinical medicine and healthcare | MI10

“How are artificial intelligence and metaverse related?” Or are they?


Metaverse is a convergence of the real and virtual worlds made possible with technologies of extended reality (augmented and virtual types), artificial intelligence, and blockchain. The origin of metaverse is from the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash in which the terms “meta” and “universe” are combined.  The metaverse is, in short, an immersive virtual world (VR, AR, and even social media) that can accommodate a person to be a persona in a myriad of networks. Both augmented reality and virtual reality require a binocular headset which allows a 3D stereoscopic image. It also requires considerable computing power  with a dedicated video graphics card.

Artificial intelligence and metaverse

Artificial intelligence in the form of self-supervised learning will most likely play key roles in the portfolio of metaverse architectural elements:

The convening of players in the metaverse will rely heavily on language processing, so artificial intelligence in the form of natural language processing will be extremely useful for this element.
The players are represented by avatars, which are essentially 2D and 3D images created by artificial intelligence. As the user experience is a key part of the metaverse, artificial intelligence will be vital to improve the overall experience.
The metaverse is also supported by data of all types in the players. The curation and management of data will be enabled by artificial intelligence in the form of machine and deep learning.

The potential of metaverse use in clinical medicine and healthcare is virtually (excuse the unintended pun) limitless: medical education, clinical training, patient education, and performing procedures.

Artificial intelligence and metaverse: future implications for clinical medicine and healthcare | MI10

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