Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Epidemic of Stem Cell Treatment:

Elite Hospitals Plunge Into Unproven Stem Cell Treatments

A possible public health issue is growing across many states.

Credible physicians and researchers are performing clinical trials in accordance with FDA guidelines for clinical trials.  This will require some years of trials for the FDA approves this therapy.

One such institution is the Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Medicine, headed by Dr. Shane Shapiro, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Program Director for the Regenerative Medicine Therapeutic Suites. His research is guided by the Food and Drug Administration's Clinical Trials protocol.

There are other ongoing studies at the Cleveland Clinic, University of Miami, and other respected Hospitals.

Ongoing early studies of stem cells are ongoing and in most cases, the results are in peer-reviewed journals, but not yet ready for clinical use.

Most stem cell clinics post unproven benefits of stem cell injections. The online video seems to promise everything an arthritis patient could want.   The doctor says regenerative medicine can help heal chronic pain while avoiding surgery. Stem cells are not a medicine or a drug. It is a biologic pharmaceutical.

Anyone considering stem cell injection must use extreme caution, and find several reference sources...Usually, this would be a University Medical Center. Patient testimonials are fraught with errors.

Stem Cell information from National Institutes of Health
Where do Stem Cells come from?

Regenerative medicine (stem cell) research is rapidly evolving and some printed information may already be obsolete. The jump on the bandwagon desire to obtain the most recent "breakthroughs' are often premature and potentially dangerous.

Opinion/Commentary: Stem cell treatments for arthritic knees are unproven

Elite Hospitals Plunge Into Unproven Stem Cell Treatments | Kaiser Health News: Critics are concerned about the explosion in controversial stem cell procedures offered by clinics — and, increasingly, respected hospitals.

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