Friday, August 7, 2015

Catch and Release - Finding Life in Death: Michael Fratkin at TEDxEureka

Dying is not a medical Condition

The Boundaries of Living and Dying, is discussed by Michael Fratkin describing his first experience with death as a six year old, and his anger with  adults keeping a secret about dying from a child.

A palliative physician manages his fear that he would fail a family.   Story telling and laughing replace the handwringing at death. The family reconnects in a way never possible before.

He reviews the stages of dying, as set to stages by  Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Anger, Bargaining  Depression, Denial, & Acceptance

"We prepare for birth, but rarely prepare for death."  .
Manage yourself to be present at death.

Dr Michael Fratkin practices in Humbholdt community, Eureka, California.  Listening to a SoundCloud Presentation audio file, Dr Fratkin discusses one of his major goals to help people dying where there is no hospice and few trained cancer specialists (oncologist)

Dr. Fratkin developed a Crowdfunding Campaign to support these services, for patients who could not afford these types of services.

Closing Music on Dying (Alex Fox) Soundcloud audio file

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