Monday, October 21, 2013

The Obama Code


Few people don’t know about the run up and hype about the national launch as a pre-mature birth.  HealthCare.Gov is now being rushed to the NICU (neo-natal intensive care unit).

Obamologists are running some quick diagnostics on the new baby, to determine if it’s a hardware or software problem. 

Early indicators are that despite President Obama’s announcements,this will not be a quick recovery from a birth with an Apgar score of less than 4.  At that level any prognosis is guarded.

It’s all  in the code…..or is it the hardware, servers, and networks? Experts are being rushed in to replace and/or augment government contractors from the space, and military industry.  Outside experts not familiar with, or having no desire to file for a government contract and it’s byzantine contracting process have been sought to fix another government fiasco. Will this be through a bidding process or just another government contract over-run with which we are all too familiar?  After all isn’t software for health the same as for rockets, space-craft and running the IRS?

The Health and Human Services Department, which administers the site, said Sunday it has recruited "some of the best and brightest" technology experts from inside and outside the government to resolve the defects.

Internet users have been unable to create accounts, received confusing error messages and had to endure pages loading slowly or failing to respond in a timely way.  President Obama considers those problems "unacceptable. Thank you Mr President, so do the rest of us.

When and if Mr.Obama’s aides read the ACA he is in for some even bigger surprises. After enrollees enter the door and enroll in whatever plan they chose, there will be even bigger surprises. Some will enter the system, chose a provider (maybe an MD, or a PA or NP).  Some will find surprisingly high premiums and a sticker shock of 10,000 dollar deductibles as a trade-off for lower premiums.

For Example:



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