Saturday, July 20, 2013

Culture of Disrespect



In a Culture of Disrespect, Patients Lose Out


When doctors tolerate a culture of disrespect, we aren’t just being insensitive, or obtuse, or lazy, or enabling. We’re in fact violating the first commandment of medicine.

Part II


Disrespect goes far beyond the nurse-doctor patient interface with patients. We are leaving out the most disrespectful aspects of our present system. 

These are the under-insured and uninsured patients. 

The middle level managers with cookbook guidelines to denials and authorizations for diagnostic procedures, treatments and access to expensive pharmaceuticals.

The insurance company unreasonably denying treatments, the endless waiting in a phone queue only to be answered by a robot.

The informed consent written by attorneys that are unintelligible. The Medicaid system which treats recipients with disdain and rules that are byzantine, with addendums and empty promises of a safety net, obsolete and irrelevant poverty figures as well as month to month eligibility which obviates any form of managed care or case management.

The incompetent legislatures who rule from above with no concept of safe and/or effective healthcare.

The autocratic and dictatorial methods of the Department of Health and Human Services.

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