Sunday, April 7, 2013

Marilyn Tavener and Senate Confirmation Hearing as Head of CMS.

Marilyn Tavener

Perhaps the most important position along side the Head of Health and Human Services is the long awaited appointment of a permanent Head of CMS (previously known as Medicare.  The name change was made to cancel out the previous effects of Medicare’s triumphs and failures. 

Congress always seems to misstep approvals and/or denials to confirm this position. It would seem that this seat would be far less political than other cabinet seats, such as DOD, Commerce, State, etc.

However given now that health consumes 17% of GDP, and also provides jobs to a large percentage of the employed the position now is crucial for budget planning and it’s indirect effect on debt.

Health Train Express has prioritized these hearings for the week in lieu of our usual health care social media, health reform and health information technology news.

The hearings are being carried live on the web, 7 AM PDT/10 AM EDT.

During a time when so much is changing in health care it seems almost negligent to have had a temporary appointment for so long following Don Berwick’s resignation.

Common sense would indicate this is a ‘hotspot’ for the Obama Administration, and Berwick’s honest appraisal of the British Health System was a ‘faux paux’ and created  a  nuclear exchange for policy makers.  Many brilliant minds have been ignored at the whims of political executioners . Dr Berwick’s signature comment,

Donald Berwick MD

"I am romantic about the NHS; I love it.  All I need to do to rediscover the romance is to look at health care in my own country." 

With this one remark, Don Berwick relegated  himself to the chopping block. However it was not his final answer.  Dr Berwick has taken up a role in the NHS program for improving safety

However despite that Berwick has been tapped to improve safety for the U.K. NHS.

Stay tuned and don’t miss the Senate Hearings on April 9 2013 Tuesday, 7AM  PDT  10 AM EDT.


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