Monday, March 5, 2012

Health and the Virtual Photo Walk


Virtual Photo Walk

A  photo walk by Jared in the Mountains of Utah for M. Monica on Google Plus using a Hangout with an iPhone.

Watch as John Butterill moderates a Virtual Photo Walk for two challenged patients.

Social interaction is a critical factor in health and wellness. Many of our patients have reached a state where they are no longer well, however suitable means are available to improve quality of life.

Google Plus has several ways of collecting individuals with like interests and/or goals.  The circles of  G+ offer a collective approach for individuals with common interests, ie photography, disability, disease categories, etc.

Virtual Photo Walks provides a platform for invalids to participate in observation of scenic walks, visits to theme parks, cruise ships, casinos and perhaps even city council or other political activities.

Digital Health Space has partnered with Google, Veterans Today, and Virtual Photo Walk in this endeavour for patient advocacy for a group largely lost to social affairs due to limited mobility or very limited access to public spaces. While the Americans with Disabilites Act empowered the mobility impaired in the physical space, Virtual Photo Walks extends this Act into the virtual space with a flick of a mouse pointer.

1 comment:

Brenda Nelson said...

This is a great idea, but getting out for a real walk would surely be more beneficial from a physical health stand point. From a mental health stand point going for virtual walks is brilliant. They could use this as a therapy of sorts for people in hospitals and such, motivation for recovery even. As well as allowing their mind some decent mental stimulation aside from looking at the walls of their hospital room. For me I will stick to real walks for now. Thanks so much, I am enjoying your blog.