Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Geriatrics Health App is Already Here

Longevity Studies have shown people who are married and/or have significant others live a healthier and longer life. 

Social media and Google plus Hangouts offer a special tool to empower social media participants, healthcare providers and staff to establish a significant other partnership with seniors who are alone, widowed, divorced, and/or childless.


Even when well, socialization, having a meal together virtually, can enhance and improve quality of life for the elderly.

Visit a senior center, nursing home, assisted living facility and train personel for this activity. The benefits will be amazing….both for patients, families who are distant from their loved ones, and you.  Put a face on your social media activity with Google plus hangouts, Facebook video and/or Skype.

Top Geriatric Social Media Sites

Geriatric Social Media  Hashtags  #

Social media opens social world to elderly, disabled

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