Wednesday, February 15, 2012



How do Google + Social Media Impact upon Healthcare ?

How to sign up for Google + (even if you don’t have an EMR)

Besides +Peter McDermott there are many other YouTube video tutorials or you can contact me +Gary Levin and I will bring you into the fold.

Many of you already know I am a fanatical proponent of Google Hangouts and Google +

My enthusiasm is borne from the innovative IT and developers using this platforms interacting amongst each other in the google plus space. G+ allows me access to sources before they are released to the general public or those in the HIT space.

In order to obtain this level of efficiency I organized my Google + circle of friends into categories for healthcare, providers, mobile apps, Health 2.0 and others.

Once I had my circles organized it became productive and efficient to just open my 'stream' and information “streamed” out in ways that Facebook could not deliver. Twitter also has some of these attributes if you know how to use the hashtag to filter what you are interested in reading. It's main limitation is 140 characters which do not tell a story unless a hyperlink is eymbedded in the tweet.

My morning is spent reviewing my feeds, twitter, facebook and Google +. Although I am intrigued by the possibilities of using Google Hangouts it is restricted by it's lack of security and privacy required by HIPAA for healtcare.

Jonathon Schwartz CEO of Care-Zone has developed an application, Care-Zone which is a secure private system that providers, patients, and family can trust in communicating private information that should not be in the public domain.

Jonathon is interviewed here by Robert Scoble of Rackspace.

Care-Zone has both a desktop and a mobile app availble in iOS, or iPhone.

The website uses https// a secured internet protocol. Care-zone allows you to upload files, created a medication list, create a contact list, but has multiple short-comings that render it almost useless for caregivers.

1.It is little more than a private secure notepad

2.There is no ability to chat in real time, nor interface visually or audibly

3.Different care givers must log in after being invited to Care-Zone

4. The application has no ability to interface with either a PHR or EMR.


Could a Smartphone know you’re depressed before you do ?

Digital Therapy: Could a smartphone know you're depressed before you do?

A team of researchers at Harvard University are working on the logical next step: A smartphone app that can help treat mental health issues.

Mobilyze is a development tool that would work much like the Nike+Fuel Band.

The FuelBand has a few neat tricks to set it apart. Sure, it'll track your perambulations, but it also converts all of your physical activity into a kind of health currency called NikeFuel. It tracks steps walked and calories burned, but it also uses oxygen kinetics to take a more precise measurement of your exertion — and in true Nike fashion, it turns the result into a competitive sport.

The app uses a simple approach developed by an Australian psychologist. Users of the app are shown two different faces on their phone screen: One friendly and one hostile. The program merges the faces together, and then flashes a letter that you need to correctly identify.
It's believed that those with social anxiety tend to fixate on faces in the crowd who are hostile. The app helps break this fixation, re-training the brain and reducing anxiety. 

Recent studies show that using the new smartphone app helped reduce subjects' anxiety by 22 points on a questionnaire, as compared to an 8-point drop experienced by a group who didn't use the app.

But before you start trading in your doctor for an iPhone, it's important to note that not everyone believes that the app is special: A similar 22-point drop was experienced by a control group who looked at pairs of faces without the letter to distract them.
It could just be that the key to feeling better is simply the act of taking the initiative and doing something about your anxiety. According to one Chicago-area control group participant in the study, "I felt good about myself, that I was doing something for my issues, and a lot happened in those two months outside the study that could have helped."  (source)

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