Listen Up

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



This phrase from Star Trek, and others such as "More power to the warp engines, Scotty", might also be applicable to health care.


Although we can't quite de-materialize and rematerialize elsewhere, the advent of telemedicine, email, and some forms of HIT does allow us to be intellectually present in two places simultaneously...

I was reading several blogs yesterday and came across several eponyms, EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) and Ix.  Ix really threw me.  I thought I was fairly current on my blogging CME but apparently I am lagging.  I think we should all received CME credits for our work in the blogosphere.  I wonder what Edwin Leap or Kevin MD think about that one.  They have been off at summer camp, hiking or some other non-productive activity while I have been chained to my keyboard. At least Dr Reece at Medinnovation has been at work.....but then who can call it work when one lives in Old Saybrook, CT.


If I remember correctly from a far distant place Old Saybrook is where the movie  summer place " was filmed.

This epic cult film from the early 1960s portrays a young Sandra Dee playing the role of the weekend or summer fraternity party, frolicking at the beach and other pursuits of the androgenous and estrogenic late adolescent phase of life in college.  During my more youthful days I made several attempts to duplicate "Summerplace" one week when I was in charge of social activities for my  fraternity.  I was quite successful from what I can remember.

Anyway, back to Ix....This eponym coined by Josh Seidman stands for Information Therapy, not to be confused with IT.

Ix logo

Josh Seidman and his Center for Information Therapy  (Center for Ix) form a focus group 

"  The Center for Information Therapy (IxCenter) is an independent, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, not-for-profit that aims to advance the practice and science of information therapy to improve health, consumer decision making and healthy behaviors.

Information Tx

The Ix Center acts as a catalyst for health care delivery innovation by diffusing Ix strategies through research, education and collaboration. A core function of the IxCenter is engaging with Ix proponents and industry leaders through its IxAction Alliance. "

Well, if you have followed my "drift", then set a course at warp 9  for Omicron 9 and make it so.


That being said, and also that it is quite a mouthful I would recommend clicking on my link to the source.

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