Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Complete Guide To College Students & Healthcare Reform (or the Affordable Care Act…What now?)


College is an exciting time in a young adult’s life and many feel that they’re invincible. Besides, who else can stay up until 4am, eat 3 pieces of pizza, and ace

an exam the next morning? However, even though students are young and generally suffer fewer illnesses and accidents than older people, the college environment places them at an increased risk, so health insurance is a necessity.

student health 300

What if the campus infirmary cannot provide a level of care necessary for the student?  The information here was sourced from ‘Insurance Quotes”.

Thanks to

Desiree Baughman

Desiree Baughman


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1 comment:

Budget Doc said...

Many students may still be on their parent's insurance- lucky for them.

Those that aren't might benefit from insurance, but how do you explain that to a kid who is perpetually broke, as many college students are?