Monday, March 25, 2013

Health Train Special Edition


Thanks to  the “Galen Institute”  Health Train Express is privy to this information, which falls under the FOIA. (Freedom of Information Act)

In order to qualify and seek eligibility information regarding how to become insured under the terms of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), you will be able to go online and file.


Health Benefit Exchange. HBE EZ form

Health Benefit Exchange.  HBE Long form


The Red Tape Tower: The pièce de résistance at the moment is the Red Tape Tower (#RedTapeTower) showing all 20,000 pages of the ObamaCare regulations that had been issued as of March 8.  The tower was a star at CPAC, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell received hoots and applause when it was rolled out for so graphically visualizing the incredible burden this law is placing on the health sector and economy.  National Review tells the story and has the photo.

The Patient Protection and Affordability Act has grown from an adorable 2,700-page binder full of rules and kickbacks into a towering 7-foot-3-inch, 300-pound behemoth totaling more than 20,000 pages of byzantine mandates and regulations.

The “red-tape tower” has been making its way around Washington, D.C

The NPR article and photos are making the rounds on social media,  including twitter #redtapetower and Facebook

Promises we cannot keep !

For those who like charts and pictures

Our New Health Care System

My thanks to Grace-Marie-Turner and the Galen Institute


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