Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Introduction to the Panton Principles


Openness and transparency along with patient-centric healthcare go hand in hand.  The copyright rules have changed, with new categories for electronic publishing and a stratification has taken place in copyright notices.  One size no longer fits all.  I call this the Reverse-Spandex theory. Copy right law has been restrictive however it was tailored for previous generations and forbid any reproduction without the author/publisher permission.  Today a Creative Commons License is ubiquitous in electronic publications, to encourage dissemination of information.

The Panton Principle should be familiar to physicians and scientists.  For physicians who are not engaged in clinical or scientific publishing, it may not be well known, but it has great significance for patient-centric medicine and in blogging about health care, and social media

Creative Commons Attribution (the short version) (the legal version).

Please watch the video: (courtesy of The Open Knowledge Foundation)  FAQs

In its simplest form, if the document has the Creative Commons Attribution icon you may use it without fear as long as  you give attribution to its original author.

Openness not only applies to government, but to health care, data bases, and other archived data from many scientific journals as well.

The CCA has and will accelerate the transfer of information, just as social media is accomplishing #hcsm #healthreform #glevin1


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